I am using M2 high speed steel tool tips as I find these hold the edge(bur) better. The following is how I sharpen them. The most important part in the sharpening process is to focus at the very end on the very top edge to make sure it is shiny the whole way across and if you carefully run your finger along the very top edge of the tool tip you should feel the bur. As you can see in the first picture the tool tip ends are at an angle so I use that when I grind, first I round what I call the heel and keep on rounding gradually coming up towards what will become the cutting edge. Remember just a short time on the wheel you do not want to get the metal too warm, also no cooling in water just an easy grind. And it does get easier with time. I use a course wheel and usually wear gloves it is more comfortable loosing a bit of the glove rather than skin. Hope this helps. When you have to resharpen follow the same process (it will go faster this time) Click on the pictures for a larger image and text at the bottom. Have fun